SATMASTER Mk10.x Series - README.TXT ITU-R MODELS With refinements in climatic data and increases in digital mapping resolution results could significantly differ from earlier recommendations and data sets. MAGNETIC VARIATION MODEL The global model's accuracy is + or - 0.25 degrees. TLE FILES TLE (Two Line Element) files may be downloaded from Change the downloaded *.txt file extensions to *.tle then copy the file/s to the main Satmaster Pro directory. SYSTEM CLOCK It's always assumed the computer's current date and clock are set correctly. CHANGE LOG ---------- Mk10.6c Updated geomagnetic coefficients for the 2025 to 2030 epoch. Mk10.6b Fixed a bug with Sat4 in the extended ASI(up) option. Mk10.6a 1) Updated atmospheric absorption models to ITU-R P.676-13. 2) Updated propagation prediction models to ITU-R P.618-14. 3) Updated cloud attenuation model to ITU-R P.840-9. 4) Added Q/V bands to microwave band selection checkboxes. 5) Increased input validation limits for some graphs and tables. 6) Reworded 'negative margin' detection error message to help avoid misinterpretation. 7) Added a 'Setup' menu option to fix the linear polarization tilt angle to either 0 or 90 degrees. The default is to calculate it based on the difference between site and satellite longitudes. NOTES: 1) Initial startup time has increased due to loading several data files for P.676-13 and P.840-9. 2) ITU-R P.618-14 section 2.5 caps both Acloud and Agas at probability p=5% for p<5% (previously p=1% for p<1%) and rain attenuation is 0dB for p>5%. A lower total attenuation often results when compared to their previous models. They add that differing effects dominate at different probabilities. Mk10.6 An unreleased test version (bugs were fixed in 10.6a). Mk10.5a 1) Extended some input validatiom limits. 2) Revised DISA template labelling of (5d) and (6d). 3) Fixed a radiobutton bug with the 'Sun Outage Batch File Process (Multiple Satellites) form. 4) Improvements to sun outage prediction modules. Mk10.5 1) Added calculator for slant range, velocity and Doppler shift for LEO (circular orbits). 2) Added horizontal mode output for batch solar outage calculators. 3) Extended frequency range input validation to 100GHz. Mk10.4f Fixed a bug in the Look Angles module which affected the calculation of the azimuth extents for inclined orbits. Mk10.4e Fixed AUTO altitude crash where negative altitudes were returned. Mk10.4d 1) Added a time offset input to the Two Line Elements (TLE) module to estimate and display past or future satellite positions (10 day limit). 2) Added option to change the refresh interval for the TLE display. 3) Added truncation warning if TLE file exceeds MAX_SATS=1500 entries. This only happens with very large TLE lists. Mk10.4c Various minor changes. Mk10.4b Fixed confusing results where some low overall availability input values were used with 'dual fade' and 'AUTO' availability split' options. Mk10.4a 1) Fixed some links in the Help file. 2) Added Ctrl+F3 shortcut for, File > SaveAsHTML, option. 3) Fixed some missing tags in HTML output. Mk10.4 (1) Updated geo-magnetic model coefficients to 2020-2025 era. (2) Updated AUTO altitude grid to ITU-R P.1511-2 data set (0.08333 x 0.08333 degree resolution). (3) Added slant path distance value to various tables. (4) Added 'Close All' to the file menu. Mk10.3 1) Added 'carrier power at LNB output' in dBm for simplified Satellite TV downlink budgets. 2) Fixed minor inconsistencies with link budget labelling. 3) Global AUTO altitude grid resolution improved to 0.25 x 0.25 degrees (GTOP30 model). 4) Revised tilt angle calculation. 5) Increased validation limiting for non-geo link budget 'range' inputs. Mk10.2c 1) Fixed atmospheric absorption graph plot. 2) Fixed a problem opening multiple selected files from the File|Open dialog box. Mk10.2b Fixed error with the 'Estimate Antenna Noise' code under the 'Calculate' menu. Mk10.2a Fixed a rounding bug with the AUTO availability split option to prevent a crash with some combinations of input settings. Mk10.2 Added option to export a GEO bent-pipe link budget to a format better suited to a DISA template. Mk10.1a Minor bug fixes and redundant code removal. Mk10.1 1) Added extra options to the worst month calculator. 2) Added tropospheric scintillation result to availability tables. 3) Added availability validation check before converting 'average year' to 'worst month'. 4) Updated magnetic variation data. 5) Changed atmospheric absorption calculation method from P.876-11, equation (28) to (29) for improved accuracy. 6) Several minor improvements and bug fixes. Mk10.0d Added C/I (total) values to link budget displays. Mk10.0c 1) Updated world time zone map. 2) Repackaged with updated command line version (Satmaster v2.01). Mk10.b Increased input validation of FCA input from 30dB To 60dB. Mk10.0a 1) Removed duplicate entries in the half link budget displays. 2) Modified how the 'Freeze' button works. Mk10.0 (main changes since Mk9.x) 1) Old inflexible "Batch Link Budget (GEO bent pipe)" module replaced by "Satmaster.exe" installed in the folder, "C:\Satmaster". The included "readme.txt" file has information on usage. Satmaster.exe is not bundled with the demo version. 2) Added option to export input parameters from a *.glb file to the expected input format for 'Satmaster.exe'. 3) Added facility to run Satmaster.exe within Satmaster Pro. 4) Added facility to save and restore main window size between sessions. 5) Removed code to read obsolete *.brd files. 6) Single page 'summary' removed due to being cramped and impractical. 7) Added new 0.125 x 0.125 degree global rain rate data grid (ITU-R P.837-7). 8) Updated data associated with P.1510-1, P.839-4 and P.453-13. 9) Removed old Crane rain models (ITU-R rain models used exclusively).